Our Philosophy
When Ralph Simpson first started in physical therapy he began in a large, crowded, non-stop, physician-owned clinic where therapy was dictated via ownership toward profit first and overall care second. Ralph always thought that care model was backwards. Frustration with that model was in part a driving force that pushed him to work with professional athletes where outcomes and quality of care were more important than profits. Thirty years ago he believed a focus on quality care first would bring business secondly and he still does.
This was the premise for Manual Orthopedic & Sports Therapy: MOST when it began in 2004 and it continues to be the driving motive today.
MOST is an independently-owned, direct access clinic (no prescription required*), often seeing patients as a first visit into the medical system after injury and referring on to the appropriate health care provider if physical therapy is not indicated or when another provider is necessary as a medical or surgical consult. At MOST, we spend focused, individualized one-on-one time with each client/patient for 60-90 minutes; we don’t use aides or assistants. When you pay for a physical therapist, you get a physical therapist at MOST. Manual physical therapy provides treatment with a “triad of assessment and treatment”: Pain and dysfunction can involve joints, muscles, and connective tissues so at MOST all three areas are assessed and treated as necessary. Stiff joints may need to move more while lax joints may need stabilization; soft tissues may need more pliability; and muscles may need to be strengthened while movement patterns re-educated. Treatment is not complete if one system is left untreated.
In an effort to expedite healing and control costs, at MOST home exercise programs and participation are paramount and are always utilized.
“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing you can do is keep your mind young.”